Amish Paradise - My friend Josh's web/campus comic.
Anything But - My other comic strip.
Boy Meets Boy - Like the gay Odd Couple. Only sexier.
College Roomies from Hell!!! - Oh, the funky horror!
Coolville - A daily transmission from Nowhere.
Karaoke - A comic about...stuff.
Megatokyo - Relax, we understand j00.
North - Yeah...we have that...want some?
Penny Arcade - Defy sanity. Give in to the game.
Real Life - Shirt ninjas, road trips, and LAN parties, oh my!
Residence Life - ...It's funny.
Tang's Weekly Comic / TA Vision - A bit raunchy/dirty/inappropriate, but still good.
Xenith - Fantasy at its darkest...Favorite Sites
BakaNeko - Home of the Monthly Original Character contest.
Japanese <-> English Dictionary Server
OverClocked Remix v2.0 - Good remixes of good video game music.
Things You Probably Won't Hear On Trigun
Prolixity's Art - Beautiful furry art by a friend of mine.If you want to link to me, let me know, and I'll put the link to your page here.