About Me
Just some general info on who's behind this whole thing.
Carolyn Anne Miller
Birthday: October 1st, 1982
Age: You do the math.
Online names: Doodler, Elxie, Raine
Location: Home - Harrison City, PA. School - New Wilmington,
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, watching animé, Magic the
Gathering, roleplaying, mIRC, Anything
But, wasting time with my friends.
Random Notes About Myself: I go to Westminster College, smack
dab in the middle of Amish country, where I met the members of the unofficial
WC animé club, and found my true calling in life: to make smart-ass
comments about mistranslated animé. ^.^ Seriously, my best friends
are all in that group, and I don't think I could've survived my first semester
at school if it weren't for them. Back home, I have a wonderful boyfriend
whom I miss dearly and on occassion think dirty thoughts about, but that's
none of your business, so neiner.
Random Notes About HPH: This all started with a sketch. Well,
not really, but it sums it up rather nicely, don't you think? Anyway, amazingly,
none of the characters are directly based off me, which is definitely a
first for me. There's a whole story that came before this one, and was
scrapped to make HPH, which I will devote a page to later. Probably when
I have a paper due that I'm looking to avoid doing.
Any questions about me you want answered? (My, what an ego I have!)
Email me and I'll put the
question and answer up on this page!