Disclaimer: The following ‘comic’ is an artistic experiment. And, as per all experiments, is subject to change. Expect the style to change drastically and sporadically. Expect the art to either improve or decline. I have created “Holland Park High” in an attempt to improve my drawing style. Therefore, it can most definitely be classified as a ‘work in progress.’ Disclaimer[2]: This ‘comic’ updates whenever I finish a new page. Whether that is three times a week or once a month, so be it. I will not adhere to any schedule except any that I set for myself, which is highly unlikely.
Disclaimer[3]: This ‘comic’ is set in the World of Darkness, which is a fictional world created by White Wolf Publications, Inc. The story related by the ‘comic’ is fictional as well. None of the places or people in this ‘comic’ are real, and any resemblance to real people and places is purely coincidental.
Disclaimer[4]: “Mage: The Ascension is a game. It’s a game about mature themes and difficult subjects. As such, it requires not only imagination but common sense. Common sense says that words in an imaginary game aren’t supposed to be real. Common sense says that you don’t try to do “magic spells” based on a creation derived entirely from someone else’s imagination. Common sense says that you don’t try to dig up agents of the supernatural just because of inspiration in some wholly fictional source. Common sense says that the game is just for fun, and that when it’s over, it’s time to put it away. If you find yourself flying in the face of common sense, then put the book down, back away slowly and seek professional help.”
– Quoted from Mage: The Ascension, 3rd EditionIf you're looking for a nice, funny comic, check out Anything But.
Otherwise, walk through the doors and into the halls of Holland Park High.